Solar power is a readily available and sustainable energy option, with photovoltaic (PV) panels being feasible for installation on the majority of properties. Although commonly mounted on house rooftops, these panels can also be situated on garages, outbuildings, or ground-level installations.
To optimise efficiency and energy generation, it's essential that panels are positioned where they receive uninterrupted sunlight exposure and remain free from shade.
Installing as little as 10 panels can notably decrease the typical energy expenses for a household.
Choice between raised panels or integral panels.
Minimal upkeep (we suggest the panels should be cleaned once a year)
Green energy from your own home
We help homes to become more eco-friendly. If your home boasts a reasonable roof space, it's wise to maximise its capacity for producing solar energy. With the increasing costs of energy, now is the opportune moment to reconsider how we can power our homes, reduce household bills and be comfortable in the knowledge that you will have power to your home.
Do I need to perfect roof?
In short - No!
Of course, a south-facing roof with the perfect pitch is the ideal scenario.
However, don't lose hope as , even if your roof faces towards the north you can still anticipate a significant amount of electricity generation compared to a south-facing counterpart.
The financial benefits remain highly attractive, especially when factoring in battery storage.
Significantly decrease your electricity expenses
Choice to integrate solar panels and connect them to battery storage
Shortened payback periods and sustained long-term returns