Solar panels are known for their reliability and typically demand minimal maintenance. Nevertheless, it's crucial to monitor and maintain their performance regularly to maximise your returns on investment. Swiftly identifying and rectifying potential issues like dirt accumulation or physical damage can prevent any decline in generation capacity. By staying proactive with maintenance, you can ensure the enduring reliability of your solar panels, delivering cost-effective and eco-friendly energy for years ahead.
Maintenance ensures long-term performance
Relax with remote monitoring
We recognise the importance of monitoring your solar panels to maintain peak efficiency. That's why our installations feature an app for real-time monitoring, and for added convenience and peace of mind, we offer an optional Phoenix Energis monitoring service. Our team conducts monthly surveys of your data and promptly alerts you to any performance issues, saving you money and preventing potential downtime. Don't jeopardise the returns from your solar panels – choose our dependable monitoring services.
Regularly cleaning your solar panels can greatly enhance their performance, and our monitoring software can identify when a cleaning session would be beneficial cost-wise. To maintain peak performance, arrange a visit from our Phoenix Energis team to have your panels professionally cleaned and restored within half a day. With our expert cleaning services, you can optimise your returns on investment and reap long-term rewards.